Beloved younger sister. With a caring heart and a smile for miles, she’s a special piece of the brides heart.
Rachel Allen - Bridesmaid
Lovely force in the world and dear to our journey. Partners in love with groomsman Chris Ware.
Mandy Ware - Bridesmaid
Wonderful friend and soon to be family 💛.
Chase Ware - Best Man #1
Oldest son of the Ware pair. Goofy, adventurous and full of positive energy. He js in first grade while teaching high school level math. He is most likely to be found either dominating you at soccer or working out his next Pokemon trade.
Cayden Ware - Best Man #2
Youngest son of the Ware pair. Sweet, loving, considerate and full of the world’s best hugs!
Chris Ware - Groomsman
The fun uncle and a kid at heart, the middle brother of the Ware boys. Kind and loving partner to Rachel Allen.
Casey Ware - Groomsman
Youngest brother of the Ware boys. Talented and funny, he’s the loving husband of Mandy Ware.
Aldi Barnett - Ring bearer #2
Youngest nephew of the bride. Growing too fast he’s growing out of his “Baby Aldi” nickname!
Holden Barnett - Ring bearer #1
This fun loving playful guy is the brides oldest nephew!
Gigi Barnett - Flower girl
This lovely young lady made the bride an aunt! She’s as witty as she is cute!
Ana Cristina Chasser - Mother of the Bride
Nothing compares to a mother’s love for her daughter. Cris has always looked out for the best for her children, offering gentle guidance throughout life. She and John serve as an example of a strong loving compassionate marriage. Cris spends most of her time being an active involved grandma “Granny” to Gigi, Holden, Aldi, Chase, and Cayden.
John Chasser - Father of the bride
He is the father of the bride and always been a shining beacon of strength, leadership and fatherhood. He has been a dedicated husband to Cris Chasser since he met her in the elevator that one fateful day. Always good with kids, John has embraced his role as grandpa “Dapa” to Gigi, Holden, Aldi, Chase, and Cayden.
Marcie Ware - Mother of the Groom
Friendly, loving, pure and caring. The grooms mother is his #1 fan as always fully supporting her children as they navigate this funny thing called life. Loving husband to Chuck Ware of over 50 years. Proud grandmother “Nana” to Chase & Cayden.
Chuck Ware - Father of the groom
An avid outdoorsman and the man that introduced Charlie to most all of his favorite things in life. He has always been Charlie’s favorite Superhero, best friend, role model and strongest support in whatever life throws. Guaranteed to have an active count down until him and Charlie are back out in the field building more memories with whoever else opts to join them on what marks their 33rd annual pheasant hunting trip. Loving husband to Marcie Ware of over 50 years. Proud grandfather “Pappy” to Chase & Cayden.